What makes a good Green Ambassador? There are perhaps a hundred answers for that question, but if it were up to us, a good Green Ambassador should be someone who is attractive, charismatic, inspirational, and obviously has a passion about environmental issues. Physical appearance is still an important factor because, let’s be honest, most people will be attracted to you if you are good–looking. Then it is up to your communication skill and charisma to keep people interested in you and ultimately inspired by your cause for the environment. And those factors are the main considerations in our Leaderboard for HILO Green Ambassador 2011, as you can see here …
The LeaderboardMale1. Sumatera Barat
2. Sulawesi Utara
3. Jawa Barat 1
4. Kalimantan Barat
5. Banten
Female1. Banten
2. Sumatera Selatan
3. Jawa Barat 1
4. DKI Jakarta
5. Jawa Barat 2
Obviously, in the end, there is only a pair of winner .. but for the rest of the finalists, you all should be proud that you have become a part of the birth of a new contest with a great cause for environmental issue!
Special thanks to my friend and mentor,
Nursasongko, who has provided a lot of insights about each finalists and helped a lot in making this Leaderboard. So that is our final choice for the final. Is your fave the same as us?