1. Miss Earth

The most famous title for the Runners Up is perhaps the Elemental Queens of Miss Earth pageant. Staying true to its environmental platform, Miss Earth decides to use the other three basic natural elements besides the Earth for the Runners Up. Initially each elements was given their own rank, Miss Earth Air for 1st Runner Up, Miss Earth Water for 2nd Runner Up, and Miss Earth Fire for 3rd Runner Up. But since 2010, these elements are considered equivalent in rank. Therefore there are no longer 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Runner Up for Miss Earth. All of them are equally important.
2. Miss Bikini International

The 2010 edition of Miss Bikini International features something new that was not found in its previous edition, special titles for the Runners Up. While Miss Earth goes for the elements, Miss Bikini International goes for the seasons. The Runners Up, all are of equal rank, are given the title Miss Summer, Miss Spring, Miss Autumn, and Miss Winter. The most interesting part of the concept is perhaps the fact that each of these four Runners has its own Runners Up again! If there is a Guiness Book of Record for pageant with most Runners Up, the record will surely go to Miss Bikini International.
3. Miss Progress International

A new pageant from Italy which was held for the very first time in 2010, Miss Progress International also features a unique set of names for its Runners Up. The four Runners Up, also equivalent in rank, are given the title Miss Progress Salute (Health), Miss Progress Ambiente (Environment), Miss Progress Integrazione Culturale (Integration of Cultures), and Miss Progress Diritti Uman (Human Rights).
4. Miss Tourism International

Another international pageant with a unique set of title for the Runners Up. However unlike the other 3 pageants above, the Runners Up of Miss Tourism International are not considered equal and given their own rank. The titles are Miss Tourism Metropolitan International for 1st Runner Up, Miss Tourism Global International for 2nd Runner Up, Miss Cosmopolitan International for 3rd Runner Up, and Dreamgirl Of The Year International for the 4th Runner Up.
5. Puteri Indonesia

Our very own national contest, Puteri Indonesia, is also another pageant with special titles for the Runners Up. Aside form Puteri Indonesia, another title are given to 1st Runner Up as Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan Hidup (Environment) and to 2nd Runner Up as Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata (Tourism).
So those are some unique titles for the Runners Up. Know another pageant with unique titles for its Runners Up ... share with us at our Facebook or our Twitter!