5 lucky contestants have been fast tracked to the Top 20 of our virtual pageant, Miss Universal World, thanks to the effort of their super talented National Directors! The remaining 15 semifinalist will be announced this Wednesday. Stay tuned to find out the rest of Top 20, in the meantime let's meet the 5 contestants who have booked a spot in the semifinal.
SPAIN - Adriana ReveronWinner of "Woman in You" Fast Track
National Director Mister November Rain
UKRAINE - Anna PoslavskaWinner of Best in Swimsuit Fast Track
National Director Miss Lidiantra Tanoesoedibyo
COLOMBIA - Natalia NavarroWinner of Best in Evening Gown Fast Track
National Director Mister Prasetyo
VENEZUELA - Adriana VasiniWinner of People Choice Fast Track
National Director Mister Zephend
INDIA - Nicole FariaWinner of Best Interview Fast Track
National Director Mister Glue Tony
(The actual winner of this Fast Track is Venezuela but since she has won another Fast Track the spot is given to her Runner Up, India)
Congrats for all national Directors whose contestants have been assured a spot in Top 20! Find out who will the remaining spots, soon!