These 12 high quality good looking dudes [Ok, enough with the praises] are selectively picked out of thousand L-Men wannabees. In advance to congratulate the L-Men organizer cuz they’re having one of the best batch of L-Men’s finalist this year. Coming from various background; students, manager, hotelier, artist, athlete and bartender make this year edition a tough one. We at least have 4-5 potential winner here [But we’re not gonna tell ya !!!]
A quick review bout last nite showcase, June 10th 2010 @ the Immigrant, Plaza Indonesia
Finalists were given 3 chances to impress the audience in the following categories formal wear by Philip Formal, casual wear by Ted Baker and topless by PopMeetsPop Jeans. Have we mentioned that most of the viewers are guys in fancy clothes, at least the CLOTHES. [Some] people were like, "We are the sexy chicks?". Through the showcase, the organizer wanted to find out the best catwalker with the help of Caroline Soerachmat [Managing Director Fashion TV Indonesia], Fernando Surya [L-Men of the Year 2006], Stephen Yoswara [L-Men of The Year 2009] and Wawan Suharto [Parama Entertainment].

First to hit the runway is
Dheka, despite the fact that he's the shortest, he somehow managed against all odds and appeared taller than his real height [1.73 m], his eyes were intense and walked with energy. This guy now how to accentuated his package and put it on quite a show. Not forget to mention, this guy is a bassist [A guy with bass guitar? ... C'mon you won't take this guy for granted].

Next we have
Fredy, a 1.73 meter student who loves science [oh WOW]. Over all he appeared almost too boyish and too cute. He's like the type of cute guy you see in a mall, eye catching but not neck turner. He needs to gain more men-hood into his profile. Remember Britney Spears "Im not a girl not yet a woman?" ... Yes, that's the best saying to describe him.

Next is
Rio. We can tell, that this guy is serious, he knows what he want s- yes the BEST BODY AWARD. A bit stiff with his walk and lack of freshness, but for sure he blew the audience with his perfectly-shaped body. "Buonasera, Dov'e il bagno?" Hotness overloaded
Adzam, a 1.77 m student walked the runway with confident. He represents the real look of Indonesian, the "hate it or love it" type of guy. He falls in the range of ghetto and classy - but once you give him cool wardrobes and make-up, he is MESMERIZING. His first impression was "so so" but the more you look at him you will get carried away with his look and scream "Hey people, this guy has two adorable eyes and commercial smile". Don't be surprised if he takes home the bacon.
Johan [1.80m] has one of the best walk, he was relax and composed, knows how to control each and every moves. Among all the finalist, he's one of the most photogenic but yet need to learn more how to register his overall look in the camera. Did y'all noticed that he gave us the same facial expression in most of his photos? When we first met him in person, we easily found out that something is wrong with his look? Yeah the hair, his hair cut does not suit him. In our opinion bald head will do wonder and give him edginess. A "bad boy" vibe written all over his face.

The tallest in the batch [1.87 m], we consider
Luke as the best walker but surprisingly missed the cut. What we see in him? A tall and great body. He certainly has a potential to become a great catwalk model. However, he still needs star qualities and charisma. Having said that, with the right grooming he's a model in the making.

Another guy from the land of Tangkuban Perahu [West Java],
Thomas [1.81m], is a musician. All in all he's one of the most good looking and oozing with international appeal. He looks like the model you see in magazines and to make it even more perfect he has a pair of mysterious eyes. You can easily spot him in the crowd, unless you're blind or jealous. Enough said about him? NOT YET... he plays piano and saxophone. Let me do the math for you:
a Teacher + Goodlook + Tall + Piano + Saxophone + Jazz = I'M JEALOUS ... so jealous. Yes I am
The bad news is he's the WEAKEST when it comes to body-fitness [3 or 4 months training, he'll be GREAT... a Mr. International in the making]. We noticed one good fact bout Thomas, his high fashion look is relateable and trustable. He radiates this warmth charisma that draws attention instantly.
Sonny [1.78 m]. When we first saw him, an instant doubt popped out "I don't think i see him among the official finalist photos". Yes, he looks so different with his photos. Another Mr. Photogenic, just like what we said bout Fredy, he looks too boyish and common looking but we won't discount his great jaw that camera would love to shoot. Along with Rio , he's one of the frontrunner for the best body award. Impress with the passion on his face.
Andrew [1.76m], hails from North Sulawesi, this law student was fighting his best to earn his spot among the finalists. His performances wasn't really a standout but have to compliment his well toned muscle. Wondering how much fat he has. He needs to portray more charisma if he wants to step up his fighting platform. Hey, this may seem sounds crazy, but his sharp & "crazy" eyes might be his secret weapon. Can't believe that the "cool" wardrobes he's wearing didn't enhance his overall presentation during the formal wear session. Let's wait till he hit the runway
with nothing but his jeans. But hmm ... we are still not impressed with his performance in the topless session. Don't know why, something unique or might be weird with his body proportion [Don't know how to describe it]. C'mon Andrew, you can do it!

Fitness from Sunday to Saturday, you wont be surprised how
Rikas [1.76 m] got his body, its well proportioned-the model type of body. He appeared shorter than his real height, If you're going to ask bout his best asset, with no doubt people will scream "HIS FACE". Yes people, he's the face of this year L-Men of The Year 2010. Looks like one of those good looking movie star that every girls will admire. His over all look scream "L-Men winner". His face is more than enough to launch a nuclear bomb [overhyped is in the house people]. OK enough said bout his look cuz we're afraid we'll go poetic and start to launch a "Rikas Fans Club" . While trying to evaluate Rikas on runway a girl next to me keep screaming "So Cute ... So Cute", another prove that Rikas is a certified heartrob.
Our biggest concern with Rikas is his big tattoo wings on his upper back. Tattoo is not really welcome in modeling industry, especially if you're a newbies. Hopefully this will not be a big problem for RIkas because he has the potential.
Sadewo [1.74 m], a berry berry easy on the eye kinda look. He's the type of guy that every guys would love to hang around with and every girl would love to take home and introduce him to their parents. In runway, he's not really convincing but when you have the chance to talk to him in person, you'll like him-he gives you the 'old buddy from childhood" vibe. Lets talk about his body, we all believe that he needs to gain more muscle on his chest area. For some sentimental reason, he's one of the darkhorse.

A guy who loves to Rock and Roll,
Edo [1.75 m] was well presented and appeared taller than his real height [a really good point].
Height? checked
Body fitness? checked
Face? checked
However, compared to the other contestants, he still lacks a "winner" quality and therefore, still has to train harder to catch up with the rest

Top 3 The Best Catwalk
Johan - WinnerRikas
Thanks to L-Men Organizer : Mr. Ariel, Mr Genta, Mr. Denny and Ms. Aee
By Toma Gultom and Julian Manurung (Joolz) from Indonesian Pageants Team