The game is on! Now it's time to meet 19 National Directors who will compete to win the Miss Universal World 2011 title!
1. Ferriyanto Lim
2. NovemberRain
3. Zeph End
4. Ayub Matulessy
5. Indra Hari Asmara
6. LiDiantra TanoeSoedibyo
7. Fadly Ulum
8. Prasetyo
9. Aria
10. Ratna
11. theQinly
12. MrYopeewee
13. Fian Gao
14. Gunawan Triantoro
15. Anthony Rifa / Glue Tony
16. Rahadian Ilham Akbar
17. Muhammad Yusuf Akbar
18. Sundanese Guy
19. Niki Hutomo / Cool High
In a few days, they will be tested to find out who has the best knowledge in pageantry. The ones with higher score will have a better shot at obtaining the franchise for "powerhouse" countries. Good luck National Directors! And don't forget to visit your lounge here