1. Mister World 2010

• The Accuracy : Very Bad
We only correctly predicted 5 names out of Top 15 and that's it. Even worse, we didn't even get any of the Top 5 correctly ... ouch! Quite a bummer for starting a pageant season, right?
2. Miss Indonesia 2010

• The Accuracy : Mediocre
We correctly predicted 5 names out of the Top 10, 2 names out of the Top 5, and 1 name out of The Top 3. Much better than the Mister World mess but still far from a satisfying result. The biggest disappointment from this Leaderboard is that our top choice Sumatera Utara didn't even made it on the first elimination.
3. L-Men of The Year 2010

• The Accuracy : Very Good
We correctly predicted 5 names out of the Top 6 and 2 names out of the Top 2. In addition we also correctly predicted Thomas as the first runner up and Rikas as the winner. The first time, throughout the 2010 season, where our Leaderboard finally ended up with a quite accurate result. This is also one of the most competitive Leaderboard ever, with our judges couldn't decide which one between Rikas or Thomas should be put as our top choice and the final rank was decided in a tiebreaker.
4. Miss Universe 2010

• The Accuracy : Mediocre
After a very good result on L-Men of The Year Leaderboard, we took a few steps back to mediocre result for our Leaderboard of the most glamorous pageant in the world, Miss Universe. We correctly predicted 9 names out of the Top 15, 4 names out of the Top 10, and only 1 single name out of Top 5. Fortunately that single name that we correctly predicted on our Top 5 was that of Mexico, who eventually won the crown.
5. Puteri Indonesia 2010

• The Accuracy : Very Good
Another "very good" Leaderboard which closely resembles the actual result. We may only correctly predicted 6 names out of Top 10, but we managed to predict all names on the Top 5 and the Top 3 correctly! And on the top of that we also correctly predicted DI Yogyakarta as the first runner up.
6. Putri Pariwisata Indonesia 2010

• The Accuracy : Mediocre
The result of this particular Leaderboard is only considered as "mediocre" because, while we correctly predicted 7 names out of Top 10 and 2 names out of Top 5, we failed to include the actual winner, Sulawesi Utara, as part of this Leaderboard. If only we included Sulawesi Utara among our top choice, the accuracy of this Leaderboard would have been elevated into "good" status.
7. Miss World 2010

• The Accuracy : Good
This is arguably the most difficult Leaderboard of the year as we had to evaluate a vast number of 115 contestants, one by one, before we could make the final list of prediction. Believe us, that's totally not an easy thing to do! But despite that, we managed to get a "good" result for this Leaderboard as we correctly predicted 16 names out of Top 25, 5 names out of Top 7, and 2 names out of Top 5. We also we also correctly predicted host nation China as the fourth runner up.
8. Miss International 2010

• The Accuracy : Bad
This pageant usually comes with a very surprising result and this year is no exception. Who would have thought Thailand and China would place in Top 3? We only correctly predicted 8 names out of Top 15 and none of the Top 3. It is a "bad" one by our standard.
9. Manhunt International 2010

• The Accuracy : Good
The first part of our Double Male Pageant Leaderboard. We correctly predicted 9 names out of Top 16 and 3 names out of Top 5. We also correctly predicted that Brazil, Gibraltar, and Slovak Republic would get the Top 3 placements, tough their placement in our Leaderboard is a bit different from their actual placement.
10. Mister International 2010

• The Accuracy : Great
The second part of our Double Male Pageant Leaderboard. This is also our most accurate Leaderboard this year. We correctly predicted 11 names out of Top 15, 7 names out of the Top 10, and 4 names out of Top 5. We also correctly predicted that Great Britain would win the whole thing, which marks the second year in row we correctly guess the winner of this pageant!
11. Miss Earth 2010

• The Accuracy : Very Good
The last Leaderboard of the year ended up with a very satisfying result. We correctly predicted 11 names out of Top 14, 4 names out of the Top 7, and 2 names out of Top 4. So despite some bumpy road at the beginning of this pageant season, we managed to end it with a flying color!
2010 IP Leaderboard Accuracy
Very Bad : 1
Bad : 1
Mediocre : 3
Good : 2
Very Good : 3
Great : 1
Very Bad : 1
Bad : 1
Mediocre : 3
Good : 2
Very Good : 3
Great : 1
Overall we can conclude that Indonesian Pageants Leaderboard team has done a good job at predicting the outcome of 2010 pageants final. Will we do better (or worse) in 2011? Stay tuned for our 2011 Leaderboard ... soon!