One of the most asked question in Miss Universe season is "Who will become Trump's Choice?". Since 2005, MUO and trump himself would have a say in determining some of the Top 15 semifinalists. According to popular belief, it's all started in 2004 when Trump's personal fave, Miss Ukraine Oleksandra Nikolayenko, was not selected by the preliminary judges to be in Top 15. Since then MUO invented the mechanism to ensure Trump's fave will be in the spotlight at the final.
This year Miss Universe is of course no exception. Reports said 6 out of 15 semifinalists would be determined by Trump's Choice factor. Wonder who they are? In this article, we will try to investigate who are the most possible candidates for Trump's Choice .. and they are ....
The report said that MUO staffs were very pleased by her communication skills during pre pageant promotional events in Los Angeles.
After last year Asia snub, MUO would love to make peace with Asian fans by giving more spaces for Asian delegates. And Japan is worthy that slot.
She is the main star of CHI commercial and CHI is the main sponsor of Miss Universe this year.
Last year host but their delegate missed the cut. Now that they send a worthy delegate, what is a better way for MUO to say thank you other than to put Bahamas in the list.
She has a strong personal story, having her mother murdered for political reason, and she represents a nation who was hit by a deadly earthquake earlier this year.
Like it or not she was selected and trained by a former Miss Universe winner. Also just like Japan, MUO may give extra slot for Asian delegates.
Other possible candidates :
Slovak Republic , Ukraine , Czech Republic , Israel , Thailand , Croatia, Canada , and Sweden
We have made our guess .. now it's your turn. Who do U think Trump's Choice 2010 are?