The final review of Mister World 2010 is finally here. Let's take a look on parts that we adore and parts that we don't like so much.

Love It
(Things We Like)

• The record breaking participants. The more is indeed the merrier. With 74 participating nations, Mister World 2010 currently holds the record as the biggest male pageant ever. We hope this trend will continue in the future with more participating nations. Also, we hope MWO starts to consider to make Mister World an annual event like its female counterpart.
• The diversity of activities. From climbing Mount Muju to cooking Korean dish. From military training to visiting museum. From paintball game to learing taekwondo. When a contest lasts for more than 2 weeks, it could potentially turns to be boring after a while. But with its various exciting activities, Mister World 2010 certainly helps the contestants and also us to keep interested in the contest.
• The Fast Track debut. Since its inception in 2003, Fast Track has been proved as a unique, interesting, and exciting innovation of MWO. However it's not until this very last edition when Fast Track is finally implemented in Mister World contest. We are very glad that MWO finally comes to this decision because it certainly brings more spice to the game. Hopefully next time MWO will also use a Beachwear Fast Track for Mister World.
• Brazil struts better. The victory of Brazil for Top Model event is indeed very deserving. Aside from being one of the hottest and sexiest contestant, Brazil also has a strong walk and a very manly charisma that secures him this prestigious title. The Top Model event itself also turns out to be one of the highlight of the competition with some of the most unique, colorful, and extravagant display of the Korean top male designer, Andre Kim, creation.
• The contestants dancing to Alesha Dixon singing. Who doesn't love to dance? We certainly do and that's why we like this energetic number where the contestants serve as the dancers for Alesha Dixon's "The Boy Does Nothing" performance. The whole performance was quite entertaining with the contestants do more than serviceable job as background dancers.

Leave It
(Things We Dislike)

• Korea does not sing better. The victory of Korea for Talent event in our opinion is heavily influenced by its status as the host nation. While Korea himself is not a bad singer (he is actually a decent singer), his performance of "Just Once" is not better than Belgium's breathtaking piano recital, whom we think should have been chosen as the winner. If only the pageant was held somewhere else, Belgium would have ended up as the winner and earned a semifinalist spot he deserves so much.
• The inclusion of Guadeloupe, Germany, Greece, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, and Wales in Top 15. Greece, Germany, and Nigeria actually perform quite strong and has some potential but they are still not worthy semifinalist slots for us. While Guadeloupe, Northern Ireland, and Wales just come out of nowhere and surprise us in the final. Unfortunately, it is not a pleasant surprise.
• The exclusion of Spain, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, South Africa, and Angola from Top 15. If the world is really fair, they should have made it instead some of the unexpected surprise above. But the world will not always fair. Therefore, there will always be disappointment as some of the most handsome contestants in the competition are excluded from the spotlight.
• The composition of the judges. Out of 8 judges this year, 5 are former winners and contestants of Miss and Mister World contest. While we love to see former winners and contestants come back as judges, we think 5 is a little bit too much. This pageant should have more independent figures, such as photographer, designer, or beauty experts, as member of judging panel. With these people on board, we can expect a more professional judging and (hopefully) a better result.

With this review, it's time to say "adios" to Mister World 2010 coverage. See you in the next edition of Mister World (hopefully in 2011)!