Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

L-Men of The Year 2011 Wildcard Leaderboard

The last audition for L-Men of The Year 2011 has been held in Jakarta yesterday. Out of thousands of contestants, only 9 have booked a place in Grand Final. However there will be 3 extra spots left, reserved for the lucky Wildcard winners. Surely it's not easy to pick only 3 from hundred of candidates. In this Leaderboard, we pick 3 candidates whom we think deserve Wildcard the most along with 6 others as possible alternates. This Leaderboard, however, has not included the candidates from Jakarta audition. Therefore, if the official photos of Jakarta audition finalists released before the Wildcard announcement, we may launch another set of Leaderboard.

BTW this Leaderboard certainly does not reflect the actual result. This is just our faves for Wildcard for now. How about yourself? Is your choice the same as ours?

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