Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Miss World 2009 Part 6 : Last Year vs This Year - The First 5 Nations

Last year, these 15 countries made the cut as Miss World semifinalists. But this year is certainly a new and different game. Let's follow our analyses and comparison between last year and this year contestant from these 15 nations and their chance to make another semifinal appearance this year!

1 Mexico
Last year : Anagabriela Espinoza
This year : Perla Beltran
Our opinion : Out of all last year semifinalist countries, Mexico is the only one who has confirmed their repeat inclusion on semifinal line up due to Perla’s victory at Top Model competition. Whether it is a coincidence or not, last year, Mexico also made the semifinal cut through Fast Track route. Last year, Anagabriela or Anagaby was clearly a front runner and even she did not make the final round, she returns this year, better than ever, to claim victory at Miss International 2009. Her successor Perla is even more stunning than Anagaby herself, so don’t be surprised if Perla is expected to make a higher placement for Mexico this year.
Our prediction : She’s already in, so why bother making a prediction.

2 Venezuela
Last year : Hanelly Quintero
This year : Maria Milagroz Feliz
Our opinion : Last year, Venezuela was named Continental Queen of Americas, despite the fact that some people believed Mexico should have won that title. Regardless, Hanelly was undeniably one of the strongest delegate last year and performed consistenly well throughout the month long competition. This year, Maria seems to fail to match the performance level of her predecessor. She does not make enough impression among fans and even worse, she is not included in both Beach Beauty and Top Model competitions. After performing strongly in the past three years, Venezuela is now at a crusial position where their chance to be called in is still doubtful and questionable.
Our prediction : Performance wise she should not be in. But wearing Venezuela sash is certainly an advantage and if she somehow makes it, that should be due to sash factor.

3 Ukraine
Last year : Iryna Zhuravska
This year : Evgeniya Tulchevska
Our opinion : During the pre pageant season last year, Iryna claimed the top position at almost all Leaderboard and Prediction Grid around the world with her celestial beauty. During the pageant season, however, her sparks slowly dimmed to the point where some of us became doubtful if she would still be included in semfinal. In the end, Iryna still made it, but at that moment she is no longer everybody’s favorite girl. This year, Evgeniya unfortunately follows the same path of Iryna. She is a pre pageant favorite who drastically loses her spot once the competition is started. There could be a million of reasons on why this thing happen. Maybe both of them are only charming in picture but not in person. Maybe both of them are not mentally strong enough to handle the competition. Whatever the reason is, history will record them as two bright stars who lose their shine.
Our prediction : Last year Iryna was lucky and barely made it. But luck rarely strikes twice and this year, it’s a no for Ukraine.

4 Croatia
Last year : Josipa Kusic
This year : Ivana Vasilij
Our opinion : In some lands, beautiful flower blooms every year. In other lands, it only blooms once in a while. Ths is certainly the case of Croatia. Josipa Kusic was a pleasant surprise last year. Barely unnoticed during the early weeks of the competition, she grew stronger and stronger, and eventually emerged as a semifinalist during the final night. This year, Ivana is also a negligible contestant. But unlike her predecessor, Ivana’s chance to pull a surprise is really slim. Both beauty and performance wise she is not up to the par of Josipa. The only consolation for Croatia this year seems to be their inclusion at Beach Beauty final.
Our prediction : Croatia’s beautiful flower has bloomed last year and it certainly does not bloom this year.

5 Barbados
Last year : Natalie Griffith
This year : Leah Marville
Our opinion : Last year, Natalie had to rely on her voice to sing her way into semifinal round. But this year is a different story for Barbados. Even without beautiful voice, Leah can still make her way to semifinal with her beauty alone. Leah is probably the most beautiful delegate Barbados ever sent to any international pageant. She has gorgeous face. She has great body. And she has performed much stronger than Natalie so far. It’s no wonder many people expect her to advance further than Natalie during the final night.
Our prediction : She is not a singer like her predecessor but she is better and will make it.

Stay tune for the next 5 nations!

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