Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Miss Indonesia 2010 Part 7 : The Leaderboard

With only hours before the coronation of Miss Indonesia 2010, here what our judges say about which contestants deserve the top spot!

Now that you have known their choice, it's time to meet the judges! And here they are ... the judges of Miss Indonesia 2010 Leaderboard :

Angga RS

and your Leaderboard coordinator .. Moon Gin

Stay tune for more coverage .. including the review of final show .. tonight!

Miss Indonesia 2010 Part 6 : Press Conference Miss World in Indonesia

Press Conference Miss World di Jakarta

Kaiane Aldorino, Miss World 2009 tiba ke Jakarta kemarin Minggu, 30 mei 2010. Dia merasa sangat senang bisa datang ke Indonesia. Dan rencananya dia akan tinggal di Indonesia selama satu minggu, Selain berkiunjung ke Jakarta, Kaiane yang didampingi Mrs Julia Morley, dan Mr Stephen Douglas Morley (putra Julia Morley sekaligus Event Director Miss World) juga akan berkunjung ke Bali dengan Miss Indonesia 2010.

Pada sesi pertanyaan, IP mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertanya dan menanyakan bagaimana perasaan Kaiane memenangkan MIss World padahal pada saat itu dia bukanlah kontestan favorit. Dengan ramah dia menjawab bahwa sangat senang dan bersyukur akan kemenangannya padahal dia sendiri tidak yakin karena dia melihat kontestan lain banyak yang lebih cantik dari dia, dan dia juga merasa bangga menjadi perempuan Gibraltar pertama yang masuk ke semifinal sekaligus menjuarai MissWorld.

Lalu IP juga bertanya ke Mrs Julia Morley, mengenai pengetahuannya tentang Indonesia sehingga ia tertarik menyelenggarakan Miss World di Indonesia. Beliau mengakui bahwa sebelumnya pernah datang ke Indonesia, yaitu sewaktu kejadian Tsunami Aceh bersama MIss World 2004, dan aktor Jackie Chan. Ini adalah kali kedua nya dia berkunjung untuk survey ke Bali mengenai kemunngkinan mengadakan Miss World disana. Ibu Liliana menambahkan kemungkinan akan diadakan dalam waktu dekat. Dan beliau juga mengatakan bahwa niat untuk mendatangkan Kaiane dan Julia adalah baik, untuk mempromosikan Indonesia dan mengajak wisatawan asing untuk berkunjung.

Ada hal yang menarik dari sesi pertanyaan sesi pertanyaan yang diajukan IP kepada ibu Julia, bahwa beliau mengakui dia tidak tahu kalau awalnya Batik itu dari Indonesia, tapi karena dia fikir dari Malaysia. Wow, sepertinya kita kecolongan ya?? Makanya dengan diselenggarakannya Miss World di Indonesia diharapkan dapat membantu sekali mempromosikan semua budaya dan pariwisata Indonesia.

Our reporter Bayu and Miss World 2009!

Penulis: Bayu Asmara dan Andri Hermawan
Photos from Miss World 2009 Press Conference in Jakarta on 31 May 2010

Liputan ini dilakukan oleh Reporter Indonesian Pageants,
Terima kasih kepada Mbak Tania (RCTI) atas kesempatan liputan.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Miss Indonesia 2010 Part 5 : A to Z Miss Indonesia 2010


Imelda Fransisca, Kristania Virginia Besouw, Kamidia Radisty, Sandra Angelia, dan Kerenina Sunny Halim, and "Who’s the next Miss Indonesia?" yang bakal mewakili Indonesia ke Miss World 2010? RCTI bekerjasama dengan Martha Tilaar Group kembali menyelenggarakan ajang bergengsi ini. Total 33 finalis yang mewakili 33 propinsi hasil dari audisi di 8 kota Indonesia (Medan, Yogyakarta, Menado, Surabaya, Makassar, Bandung, Jakarta, dan Denpasar), kembali bersaing memperebutkan gelar Miss Indonesia 2010 yang masa karantinanya diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 18 Mei 2010.

33 Finalis yang terpilih dari 1500-an pendaftar ini mempunyai kombinasi MISS, yaitu Manner, Impressive, Smart & Social, serta memenuhi syarat BE SHE (Beauty, Smart, Healthy, Eastern Value). Selama masa karantina, mereka mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan yang padat. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut antara lain :
Public Speaking Class.
Table Manner Class.
Pembekalan dari Menteri Budaya & Pariwisata.
Pembekalan dari Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan.
Pembekalan dari Gubernur DKI Jakarta.
Kunjungan sosial ke YPAC.
Green Education di KADO (Kampoeng Djamoe Organic) di Cikarang. Disini para finalis diajak tur keliling kebun, mendapatkan workshop singkat mengenai lingkungan hidup dari WWF & manfaat herbal untuk kecantikan sehari-hari dari KADO.
Beauty Workshop di KADO (Kampoeng Djamoe Organic) di Cikarang. Para finalis mendapat pelajaran oleh team Sariayu tentang make up & hair do serta perawatan kulit, tubuh plus inner beauty. Pelajaran yang diberikan meliputi cara mencintai diri sendiri, mengenali kelebihan, dan kekurangan diri, berani mengekspresikan diri, berbagi tips sederhana merias merawat kecantikan dan fashion tips cara penggunaan kain tradisonal untuik tampil modern. Ditutup dengan santap siang menu organik yang lezat di Kedai Sehat Alami Kampoeng Djamoe Organic.

Puncak malam final akan berlangsung tanggal 1 Juni 2010 di Central Park, Jakarta. Malam puncak yang juga akan dihadiri oleh Miss World 2009, Kaiane Aldorino dan dimeriahkan penampilan dari Vidi Aldiano, Sandhy Sandoro, Nidji, Petra Sihombing, dan Marcell, akan disiarkan langsung oleh RCTI 1 Juni 2010 jam 21.00. Hadir pula sebagai juri adalah Ibu Liliana Tanoesoedibjo, Ibu Martha Tilaar, Ibu Rima Melati, Bapak Raam Punjabi, Bapak Peter Saerang, Bapak Harry Dharsono & Ferry Salim.
Pada malam final akan dipilih Top 10 yang terdiri dari 7 finalis merupakan hasil pilihan dewan juri dan 3 merupakan jatah khusus yaitu masing masing, 1 pemenang Miss Talent, 1 Pemenang Miss Top Model, dan 1 Pemenang Miss Sport.
Pemenang Miss Talent adalah pemenang paling berbakat pada Malam Bakat yang diadakan di Hard Rock Cafe pada tanggal 27 Mei 2010, pemenang Miss Top Model akan dinilai dari keluwesannya mengikuti koreografi dan catwalk di saat latihan koreografi persiapan malam final, sedangkan pemenang Miss Sport dipilih dari aktivitas olahraga yaitu bermain volley pantai dan lari estafet di Mambruk Hotel & Resort, Pantai Anyer, pada tanggal 25 Mei 2010.
Selain itu juga akan diberikan beberapa gelar tambahan yaitu :
Miss Favorit (pilihan pemirsa)
Miss Persahabatan (pilihan para finalis)
Miss Inovasi (diberikan kepada finalis yang mahir dalam penggunaan teknologi untuk sehari- hari)
Miss Kulit Cantik (diberikan oleh sponsor Sariayu Martha Tilaar)
Miss Tubuh Indah (diberikan oleh sponsor Sariayu Martha Tilaar)
Kerenina Sunny Halim, Miss Indonesia 2009

So, what are u waiting guys? Catat tanggalnya, Selasa, 1 Juni 2010, jam 21.00 live di RCTI dari Central Park Jakarta, Miss Indonesia 2010!!

Bahan : Press release RCTI & Sariayu Martha Tilaar

Miss Indonesia 2010 Part 4 : Nina at Miss World 2009

Arrival in London

World Travel Awards at JW Marriott Grosvenor Hotel House, London on 8 November 2009

World Travel Awards at JW Marriott Grosvenor Hotel House, London on 8 November 2009

Leisure time with some other contestants

Fashion Show at Yas Marina Hotel, Abu Dhabi on 12 November 2009

Leisure time with some other contestants

Leisure time with some other contestants

Miss World Sports at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth on 18 November 2009
Miss World Sports at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth on 18 November 2009

Miss World Sports at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth on 18 November 2009

Visit to Presidential Guest House in Pretoria on 19 November 2009

Miss World Talent at Victoria Theatre, Johannesburg on 22 November 2009

Miss World Talent at Victoria Theatre, Johannesburg on 22 November 2009

Miss World Talent at Victoria Theatre, Johannesburg on 22 November 2009

Leisure time with some other contestants

Leisure time

Posing with some other contestants

Miss World Top Model at The Turbine Hall, Johannesburg on 28 November 2009

Miss World Top Model at The Turbine Hall, Johannesburg on 28 November 2009

Visit to Legends Safari & Golf Resort in Limpopo

Visit to Legends Safari & Golf Resort in Limpopo

Visit to Shamwari Game Reserve in Eastern Cape

Visit to Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg on 6 December 2009

Photoshoot in Cape Town

Photoshoot in Cape Town

Miss Indonesia 2010 Part 3 : Tribute to The Reigning Queen

Name : Kerenina Sunny Halim
Age : 23
Birthdate : 13 Juni 1986
Height : 167
Languages : Indonesian, English, Chinese, French, Spanish & Germany


Kerenina hails from Jakarta and is a high school teacher. Her hobbies include yoga, drawing, cooking and acting. She enjoys singing and dancing, in particular ballet, jazz and salsa. She has a dog called Choco and her favourite foods are Indonesian and Japanese. Her personal motto is “The way to be happy is to make others happy”.


Tell us about your job/studies!
I was home-schooled, from kindergarten to high-school. My college was an online course from california. I took 6 majors and achieved 6 diplomas, which are Public relations, sales and marketing, home economics, performing arts, culinary arts, primary teaching. Before becoming Miss indonesia 09 I was working with an NGO, we had numerous projects, focus mainly in providing education for under-priviledged kids, we had several schools built, also disaster relief projects, and donationg goods to slum areas around indonesia, providing seminars about health and hygiene, and seminars for parents on eduaction and parenting. I also taught at a junior high school, as a counselor.

How are you preparing for Miss World in South Africa?
I have many trainning sessions, first was mind and heart focus trainning for inner beauty. Then trainning for hair and make up, how to apply make up for daily wear and evening events or stage performances. Public speaking training courses. Interviews and speech making courses. Personality structure classes and character building courses. Communication, body language, etiquette and manners training. Gym fitness training, 3 times a week. Dance classes for talent show. I have also been doing many on-going charity projects which have been documented to show for my beauty with a purpose. Catwalk and stage performance classes, and pose training for photo sessions.

What's your daily routine?
Everyday is pretty full with activities, starting with morning devotions, then day activites are mainly charity projects, donating goods, teaching under-priviledged kids, visiting patients such as kids with polio, hernia, cleft lip, etc. and then training classes and preparation lessons for miss world, and ending with either gym or dance training. Evenings are usually scheduled with local events and functions that I attend. And I have also met with numerous diplomats and local goverment officials and ministers for trainning sessions and their support for going to Miss World.

How do you feel about travelling to South Africa?
Very excited! I've done some studying about current events, history and culture, and I can't wait to be there :)

Which elements of Miss World are you most looking forward to?
All of it! :) it will be my first time going to London as well as South Africa, so I am very excited about that. I'm looking forward to meeting so many new people, especially important people who have made a difference in the World and learning many things from their experiences. Looking forward to the photoshoots, training we will get, traveling and new experiences and making new friends with the other contestants, and most of all looking forward to the night of the final event.

Do you have a message to the other Miss World contestants?
Hi, looking forward to meeting all of you beautiful ladies :) wish you good luck with all your preparations. See you soon in South Africa, and keep doing your best everyday to make a difference in your part of the World! God bless :)

What do you think are you qualities that you will bring to the competition?
My friendly nature, outgoing and positive personality. Contagious energy, and desire to learn and experience new things. Like working hard and being helpful, and making a difference.

What individual talents will seperate you from the other contestants?
My ability to adapt well to any situation, my strong background and experience in charity work, my love of working with kids, my ability to learn foreign languages quickly, my pleasant personality and ability to communicate well with diverse levels or strata of society.
What would it mean to you to do well at Miss World?
It will be a tremendous accomplishment, something I will be very grateful for and and very happy and blessed to be given this great opportunity to continue helping others on a global scale and make a difference. I consider it a high honor, a great sucess that I will be extremely proud of.

What is your favourite landmark?

Candi Borobudur, it is one of the World's seven wonders, and is rich in Indonesian history

What is the one thing you cannot live without?

Who do you most admire?
Mother Theresa & Lady Diana.

What is your favourite tourism destination ?
Sikuai Island, is a small secluded island located in Padang, West Sumatera. An enjoyable 15 minute speedboat ride from Muara Bay would take you to this beautiful island. As soon as you arrive on this island, you will see a white and soft sandy beach and gentle waves with crystal clear water decorating the whole island.

Source : Miss World 2009, contestants interview, at


Nina menyabet gelar Top 22 Miss Talent, Top 12 Miss Beach Beauty, Top 40 Miss Sport selama Miss World 2009.
Ssstt, Nina boysfriend is Nino Fernandez, actor dan juga model beken.Nina & Nino, what a couple hehehe
Nina yang berdarah campuran America juga adik dari actor Steve Emmanuelle, kata Steve Nina itu aslinya tomboy dan lucu seperti badut!Saking tomboynya, hingga umur belasan tahun masih suka bermain soccer bersama Steve!
Nina selain menjabat sebagai Miss Indonesia 2009 juga menjadi Duta Anti Narkoba dan Duta Sariayu.

Wakil Indonesia di Miss Bikini International 2010

Melinda Widjanarko mewakili Indonesia ke kontes Miss Bikini International yang berlangsung di Sanya, China mei-juni 2010.
Sebelumnya Melinda yag mempunyai tinggi 179 cm ini adalah Finalis Go Girl Look 2007 dan Finalis Wajah Femina 2008. Selamat bertanding Melinda, bawa nama harum Indonesia!!
Terima kasih kepada John Pupella dari Mister Indonesia Organization atas informasi yang diberikan